Saturday, March 25, 2006

timjob1 and timjob2

Anh da sua lai layout va upload len Timjob1 better hon cai cu. Theo anh nghi
hien gio la trang kha hay nhat o VN. Gio thi that su theo y cua anh. Van de chay binh thuong
anh cung tao database rieng cho timjob1. Let me know what you think about a new timjob1.
Phan code va layout trong hinh, them sub menu viet theo CSS, moi lan click button thi can thi so/open sub-menu kieu pamphlet
theo hinh thuc cua yahoo, neu khong can thi hien thi chu de ra at 1 pamphlet. Anh them phan MenuList. Khong co so menu appear when mouse over ma menu luc nao cung hien thi ra (it ai dung sub-menu hien ra khi mouse over)*** dieu nay quan trong.
Co the click Viec lam va theo Nganh nghe lam thu 2 menu pamphlet day la cai frame work da dung sang. De lam theo
nhung gi da co. Co tat ca 5 blocks (top,footer,left, right and middle). Moi block co nhung functions trong do.
Anh nghi project nay de em co the lam mot minh neu khong thi anh lam vi anh con nhieu viec phai lam. Anh co the lam saigonbestbuy voi oscommerce. Project nay cung duoc 50% khong co gi ma fai 2 nguoi lam. Em co the hoi
anh bang email hay chat co le can chat 1 tieng truoc khi em lam. Phan code anh cung sua nhieu va lam theo chuan ma
anh da lay out trong templates thi se ok rat de va rat good de lam khong biet trinh do cua em the nao day la mot project
rat thich thu sau khi anh da sua lai. Em doc phan code cua de co the dem qua day khi can
can thi lay source o (usr:ebus pw:vnc2005 hay vinetcom2005).
Con pdf file huong dan de hieu code o (vinapeer cua minh, anh dang lam)
Tat ca da goi nhieu lan, gio thi anh lai goi lai nua. Co gi feedback let me know. Any questions just ask. ./.tv
I just added a section of css to correct the link in
in menu of timjob1 so you can see it now>
All the css in the file style.css. You must know css and how frameset work in order to write the code.
This way it will be easy to control and display from one frame to others and vice versa. I just fixed it so it has
top, left, middle + right and bottom. All you need to do from the button is called the properly frame to display
for example topframe.php called modules.php (body or middle frame)
call from button of "trang chu" from topframe.php
Trang Chủ
Topframe will make display in body frame (body is middle) Try it out you will see. It will run faster because
all the frames: top, left, right and bottom do not change only the middle changes to display modules.php.

This is the index.php

" frameBorder=0 noResize>

Anh upload timjob2 has most of functional features. Neu Thuy click ma hien thi
trang trong la cho thong tin cua ben Thuy. Gio chi con sua doi code chuc dinh dua vao functionality anh da
dung xang. Cau truc thi tot roi, luc dau suy nghi cach lam gio thi frame work da co roi. Thuy xem roi co y kien
gi ? cho anh biet. Anh van de for references khi xong het thi anh delete het tren host.
Anh delete email hinh nhu khong ai dung ma spam mail goi den da toi 5 MB roi !.
All the files needed is in the directory /includes
No need to make a new directory you can create a style
in the sub-functions leave the main $_GET['action'} the same for now.
include or require I think they are the same.
Sub-functions are the method/function is call from $_GET['action']

The middle contains 3 sections leftmain, middle, rightmain and the bottom footer
Anh dinh lam thanh 3 frames for the leftmain, middle, rightmain but because the scroll bar so they are within
one frameset. So either 3 of sections: leftmain, middle, rightmain > 600 px causing the scroll bar that what
we want. If we make them in 3 frames then it will has 3 scroll bars which is not nice. We want the leftmain,
middle (modules) and rightmain has the same scroll bar. So I decide to use this way but you must follow
the above format. All the function calls in betwen leftmain, rightmain as above.
It is 8:41 PM but you do not call ?

It was md5 enscript pwd vs. encrypt
if (md5($pwd)!=$item["PASSWORD"])
if (crypt($pwd,$item["PASSWORD"])!=$item["PASSWORD"])

Now people is using encrypt instead of md5. I changed back to md5 to Try it.

Try to be SMART you always have download it you need 2 version timjob2 and
so you can reference to see what goes wrong.
You can also look into phymysql on the host because you have pw and usr to access control panel as well
in mysql you can change md5 or crypt. But only do the database that you created because there are a lot of
username and pw in the database.

Have you ever work in the password enscrypt ???
Let me know,
Nhu anh da hua sang nay anh sua function ProcessRegisterCompany() and SelectProvince()
gio thi viet vao database khong viet number of city but the city name - you can check it at main page.
I add this field so the user know which cities they apply. Vi phan nay kho noi anh lam cho em.

Trong database anh cung sua table recruit field ProvinceID to 20 de chua duoc ten thanh pho. Old Database
thi van chua number nhu tu day em post a job it will write into the database as a name instead of number.

Anh cung tao username cho nguoi tim viec va company so I can post the job they are working now.
SO NOW TIMJOB2 IS YOURS NOW & TRY TO MAKE IT WORK.!!!!! I am happy because timjob2 looks
very good and a promising future. I leave it for over 1 year but no one did anything so I did it.
cung y tuong va hinh anh cua anh dua nhung ho lam khong tot.

Hay co gang nho nhung gi anh viet de khoi mat thoi gio anh noi di noi lai nhieu lan. Good luck, ./.tv

This is my previous email.
Anh con chuyen phan global variable -> to $_POST co gang dung dung
global variable vi hackers co the pha duoc. Anh lam thu cho em 1 function ProcessRegisterCompany()
sau do em xem va bat chuoc lam. Phan thu 2 add Thanh pho vao database

----- Original Message -----
Nguyen Duy An
'To Van Tran'
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: RE: Em lam chung voi anh du an timjob
Anh Van
I can continue to work on this based your layout.
Duy An

From: To Van Tran [] Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 8:23 AMTo: Nguyen Duy AnSubject: Re: Em lam chung voi anh du an timjob

Phan login va database anh chua co test, I just put all the functionalities in so we know what we must do.
Phan login co the register qua email nhu vinetcom nhu vay ng ta khong pha phach duoc vi ho fai co valid email.
Nhung page break va login in la nho thoi. Anh da lam phan kien truc cua no thanh hinh de minh khong thieu sot
hay quen lam mot cai gi do. Va mot phan nua kien truc the nao de sau nay de sua doi. Va lay out anh cung lam
xong. Nhu sang nay anh viet chi con code do la gom login, database and so on....Pls read between the lines..
day la email anh goi version 2 Phan cau truc la quan trong nhat cua mot project.
Gio chi con sua doi code chuc dinh dua vao functionality anh da
dung xang.

Em tra loi cho anh biet em co the lam duoc mot minh tu day hay khong ???????? dai khai sua code dua vao ma anh da viet. Let me know ?????????

Sua nhung chuc nang quan trong lam truoc nhu login va logout. Theo code anh viet thi ng register chi dien vao email
roi minh goi ho cai link roi ho doc email va click thi di vao trang register cua minh.
Roi con phan forget password, change password, reset password.....nhieu thu lam.

I try to login it is ok but I will look all of them and rewrite most of them anyway.

Tên: tovantran (
Thoát)Thay đổi TT Cá nhânĐăng tin tìm việc
----- Original Message -----
Nguyen Duy An
'To Van Tran'
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: Em lam chung voi anh du an timjob

Chao Anh Van!
Em da xem qua timjob2. Em thay co 2 van de:
Em ko login dc (ca nguoi tim viec, va nha tuyen dung)
you have not implemeted pagebreak for nhatuyendung page. So the page is too long. I used to write this function. I can do it.
the empty pages I, I and ms Thuy will complement soon

Duy An

From: To Van Tran [] Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:19 PMTo: Nguyen Duy AnCc: UNI Manager; ViNetCom ManagerSubject: Re: Em lam chung voi anh du an timjob

Thuy & An,
Anh upload timjob2 has most of functional features. Neu Thuy click ma hien thi
trang trong la cho thong tin cua ben Thuy. Gio chi con sua doi code chuc dinh dua vao functionality anh da
dung xang. Cau truc thi tot roi, luc dau suy nghi cach lam gio thi frame work da co roi. Thuy xem roi co y kien
gi ? cho anh biet. Anh van de for references khi xong het thi anh delete het tren host.
Anh delete email hinh nhu khong ai dung ma spam mail goi den da toi 5 MB roi !.

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