Thursday, January 19, 2006

Set up SpamAssassin with Cpanel

The easy way to remove spam directory is FTP for example using CuteFTP
and remove the directory spam of each user like: www/mail/username/spam
Spam directory is created when there are junk/spam mail so no need to create spam directory when it was deleted.
Today I was surprised to see my website 93 MB, I was astonished about the size so I went each of directory and checked. I found out that the mail directory of website is over 50 MB. I checked each of users, there was a spam directory and most of them are never deleted since I started enable spamassassin. These directories are big and took up 50 MB.
When set up, the mails are identified as SPAM (unsolicited email). SpamAssassin is designed to identify and mark emails that score beyond your threshold value. An email's SpamAssassin score is the sum of values given to certain known spam characteristics. For more information, please visit the developers' website:
SpamAssassin is currently: enabled Spam Box is currently: enabled
This feature allows emails identified as spam by SpamAssassin to be delivered to a seperate mail folder named "spam". If this folder is not regularly checked and emptied, it may cause your email or filesystem quotas to be exceeded, resulting in a failure to receive legitimate messages. You can easily use IMAP or Horde/IMP to check messages that are routed to this box. If you wish to use pop3 to check the spam box, just add "/spam" (without the quotes) to the end of your pop3 login. (Example: user@domain.tld/spam)

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